Sotheby's Hongkong Contemporary Art Auction September 2020


Sotheby’s Hong Kong Contemporary Art is delighted to present our Online auction offering a fantastic selection of paintings, sculptures, prints and toy collectibles by some of the most sought-after names in the Contemporary art scene. Highlights include works by Yoshitomo Nara, Madsaki, KAWS, Mr Doodle, Daniel Arsham, Liu Ye and Yue Minjun. The quirky assemblage also features an exciting array of works by established street artists including Banksy, Invader, Pure Evil, Vhils and Jerkface, to name but a few. Offered at a diverse range of estimates, this eclectic auction offers an unmissable opportunity for new and seasoned collectors to acquire highly sought-after and cutting-edge art pieces. The auction will be open for bidding from 8-15 September 2020.

香港蘇富比當代藝術欣然呈獻當代藝術網上拍賣專場。專場搜羅了一系列精彩當代藝術作品,涵蓋奈良美智、Madsaki、KAWS、Mr Doodle、丹尼爾·阿爾軒、劉野及岳敏君等炙手可熱的當代藝術家,從油畫雕塑至版畫潮玩,包羅萬象,目不暇給。拍場同時亦聚焦一眾備受熱議的街頭藝術家,囊括班克斯、Invader、Pure Evil、Vhils以及Jerkface等等,上呈作品玩味十足。本場上呈拍品種類多元,估價範圍豐儉由人,切合不同藏家拓展收藏之需,機不可失。

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